ENL CE Course 7: Strategies for Building Vocabulary
CourseReview of Dr. Isabel Beck’s work on Tier 1, 2, and 3 words, the rationale and implementation of interactive word walls, word sorts, personal dictionaries, and concept definition maps, and a clear path for classroom implementation.
ENL CE Course 8: Formative Assessment
CourseBetter understand how to use formative assessment before, during, and after learning. The differences between formative and summative assessment. Ideas are proposed for implementation of assessment “for” learning at various points in a lesson.
ENL CE Course 9: Small Group Instruction
CourseVarious kinds of small groups are investigated. Routines and procedures are reviewed, as are ideas for assessment. Tips for goal setting and group organization are provided. Strategies for differentiating process, product, and content are included.
ENL CE Course 10: Creating a Welcoming Environment
CourseThe Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework (CR-SE): the importance of creating a welcoming environment and how it contributes to a sense of belonging. Information on how various constituencies create this environment in schools.
ENL CE Course 11: Coaching Cycles
CourseInvestigate the three-step coaching cycle that includes data and goal-setting; learning a new instructional strategy; and monitoring and reflecting on progress.
ENL CE Course 12: Sheltered English Instruction
CourseEnhance your instruction for English learners by developing an understanding of of the 8-pillars of the SIOP model of sheltered English instruction.