Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Agenda

    3. What is an Instructional Scaffold?

    4. Research-Based Scaffolding Techniques for ELLs

    1. Scaffold Strategy #1

    2. Vocabulary

    3. Teaching Suggestions

    4. More on Academic Vocabulary

    5. Let’s watch the strategies that middle school teacher Neil Hicken uses as he teaches academic vocabulary:

    1. Scaffold Strategy #2

    2. Oral Language Development

    3. Oral Language Development

    4. Opportunities to Increase Oral Language

    5. Let’s listen to Dr. Connie Williams, author of Frames for Fluency, to learn more about the importance of providing time for speaking and listening in our classrooms.

    6. Assessment #1

    7. Assessment #1 Explanation

    8. Opportunities to Write

    9. Scaffolds for Writing

    10. Opportunities for Writing

    1. Scaffold Strategy #3

    2. Reading for Multiple Purposes

    3. Reading for Multiple Purposes

    4. Reading for Multiple Purposes

    5. Assessment #2

    6. Assessment #2 Explanation

    1. Scaffold Strategy #4

    2. Graphic Organizers and Foldables

    3. Example of Graphic Organizer

    4. Example of Graphic Organizer

    5. Use of Multimedia

    6. Multimedia Sources

    1. Scaffold Strategy #5

    2. Captialize on Home Language

    3. Assessment #3

    4. Assessment #3 Explanation

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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