Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Agenda

    1. Why Talking Matters

    2. Talking, Listening, Thinking

    3. Talking, Listening, Thinking

    4. Talking, Listening, Thinking

    5. Whole Group vs. Small Group Instruction

    6. Talking, Listening, Thinking

    7. Talking, Listening, Thinking

    1. BICS

    2. CALP

    3. This video shows a young English learner and the difference between her current ability to converse using BICS vs. CALP

    4. Assessment #1

    5. Assessment #1 Explanation

    1. Reality

    2. Reality

    3. Evidence

    4. Benefits

    5. Benefits

    6. Assessment #2

    7. Assessment #2 Explanation

    8. Let’s watch here for an example of one way in which small group instruction can be used.

    9. Assessment #3

    10. Assessment #3 Explanation

    1. Discussion and Language Proficiency

    2. Instructional Conversation

    3. Instructional Conversation

    4. Culturally Responsive Classrooms

    5. Effective Instruction for ENL Students

    6. Vary Student Group Configurations

    7. Provide More Time for Processing

    8. Small Group Instruction

    9. Assessment #4

    10. Assessment #4 Explanation

    11. Flexible Grouping

    12. Smaller Configurations

    13. Student Roles and Responsibilities

    14. Wait Time

    15. Wait Time

    1. Ideas for Speaking and Listening

    2. Ideas for Speaking and Listening

    3. Assessment #5

    4. Assessment #5 Explanation

    5. Here is an interesting example of older students working in a small group…and how one teacher facilitates the small group.

    6. Assessment #6

    7. Assessment #6 Explanation

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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