Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Agenda

    1. The Three R's

    1. First "R": Relationships

    2. Teacher - Student Relationships

    3. Relationships

    4. Teacher-Student Relationships

    5. Let's listen to this talk by Rita Pierson on the importance of being in relationship with our students.

    6. Enhancing Teacher-Student Relationships

    7. Assessment #1

    8. Assessment #1 Explanation

    9. Ideas: How to Strengthen Teacher-Student Relationships

    10. Student-Student Relationships

    11. Student-Student Relationships

    12. Teacher-Family Relationships

    13. Teacher-Family Relationships

    14. Assessment #2

    15. Assessment #2 Explanation

    1. Second "R": Resources

    2. Resources to Enhance ENL Student Learning

    3. Rescources: In-School Binder or Folder

    4. Resources: Bilingual Dictionaries

    5. Resources: Classroom Library

    6. Rescoures: Peer Tutors

    7. Resources: Technology

    8. Assessment #3

    9. Assessment #3 Explanation

    1. Third "R": Routines

    2. Routines

    3. Routines

    4. Let's take a listen how this teacher uses routines and procedures to help enhance learning.

    5. Assessment #4

    6. Assessment #4 Explanation

    7. The Three R's

    1. Big Ideas

    2. Modeling

    3. Rate of Speech and Wait Time

    4. Use Non-Linguistic Representations

    5. Using Visuals

    6. Examples of Visuals

    7. Sentence Frames and Word Walls

    8. Examples of Non-Linguistic Representations In A Math Class

    9. Examples of Non-Linguistic Representations

    10. Giving Instructions

    11. Frequent Checks for Understanding

    12. Let's listen in on how this teacher checks for understanding.

    13. Strategies for All ENL Students

    14. Assessment #5

    15. Assessment #5 Explanation

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 66 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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